Enterprise and Commercial
Businesses are constantly searching for more productive and effective ways to become more profitable. In doing this, the business can reduce downtime and can more efficiently use its resources. KIRO Group is here to help you in implementing method to both effectively and efficiently use your time. Our team will work with you, as well as our industry partners, to create solutions that will allow your organization to make better use of valuable time to produce a higher quality outcome

Business Productivity Solutions
Allowing employees access to their necessary information is important to continue to run a successful business. KIRO Group will work alongside your IT professionals to implement safe and secure ways for your employees to have access to mobile technologies so that productivity levels never decrease.
Enterprise Networking
Our team looks to help your business operate as efficiently as possible. By allowing KIRO Group to simplify your network your IT professionals will have more time to productively work and allow your profits to grow.

IT Security
In the ever changing technology world, cyber-attacks and malware are becoming more and more common. With most of the data being stored in the cloud outside intruders will try to gain access to your secure data. KIRO Group will help your IT professionals to build a thorough and secure security program to minimize threats.
Data Center and Virtualization
Both the data center and virtual infrastructure are important aspects to day-to-day tasks of your business. It is imperative to have an infrastructure that is manageable and secure to ensure for proper accessibility. KIRO Group will architect a data center that will be fit to your business so that you can continue to allow your IT environment to run as successfully as possible.